180 Days to Church Transformation

Become a Spirit-empowered church in six months!

Our most in-depth coaching offering. For less than the cost of a part-time staff hire, you can become a Spirit-empowered church in six months.

Multiply your efforts and accelerate the transformation of your church’s culture by getting your whole team unified and equipped. Together, discover the tools and leadership commitments needed to see God do a work of transformation in your church. This leadership training experience includes multiple in-person visits, two virtual coaching sessions a month and continual access to coaches and resources.

This 6-Month coaching experience will equip your staff and leadership to:

  • Identify and overcome obstacles to greater ministry health
  • Lead truly biblical and prayer-driven renewal in your church
  • Develop an ongoing strategy for spiritual transformation in your ministry
  • Foster a dynamic prayer culture in your church
  • Increase your church’s community impact
  • Confidently lead life-giving prayer experiences in your church
  • Train others to carry the vision forward
  • Establish a plan for long-term renewal
  • Maintain personal vitality and ministry health for the long-haul





This 6-Month experience is designed to put you and your congregation on a path to spiritual renewal and transformation. Our coaches will help your leadership and staff take a full inventory of your current ministry practices and coach you as a team through proven Biblical steps to deepen your intimacy with Christ, increase your effectiveness, and experience greater fruitfulness in ministry.

  • Phase 1: Analyze  Evaluate the health of your church from a Biblical perspective.
  • Phase 2: Strategize  Discern God’s direction, re-envision your church.
  • Phase 3: Actualize  Implement the best plan for long-term health and growth.
  • Phase 4: Concretize  Make the changes permanent with follow-through & support.


This four-phase process includes multiple in-person engagements (a renewal weekend and a prayer summit) and multiple virtual coaching sessions, as well as continual access to coaches and ministry resources. Our 6-month coaching partnerships run throughout the year. This process can be initiated at any point during the year. Apply today for no charge.

*Due to the bandwidth requirements of this process, we are only able to partner with a limited number of churches in this way. Once our quota is filled, additional applicants will be placed on our waiting list and then engaged in the order in which they applied, once coaches become available. 


Christian coaching is the art and practice of enabling individuals and groups to move from where they are to where God wants them to be.”
GARY COLLINS, Christian Coaching  

“In contrast to the emphasis on imparting information through tutoring and instruction, coaching is unlocking a person’s potential to maximize his or her own performance.”
– adapted by Gary Collins from SIR JOHN WHITMORE, author of Coaching for Performance

Instead of just giving you modern tactics, we enable individuals and groups to move from where they are to where God wants them to be by the power of the Holy Spirit. We help Christians and churches become maximally effective in life and ministry through several different time-tested processes that are rooted in Scripture and proven to result in greater God-dependency and less self-sufficiency.

As Christians, we are called to steward our gifts and to pursue excellence for the glory of God. God isn’t glorified when we fail to live up to our full potential in Christ. That potential is different for each one of us, whether individuals or organizations. Yet, most of us have more room for growth than we even realize. Coaches are those who help us to better see ourselves as God sees us and, by God’s grace, to become more fully the person or church that God created and called us to be.

The big goal? To help you make practical changes that bring lasting transformation to every aspect of your life and church.

Each of our coaches is highly educated and has demonstrated an extraordinary commitment both to personal prayer and to cultivating a culture of prayer in the local church. Moreover, each of our coaches has been personally trained by Daniel Henderson and so, each of them are very well versed in our processes.

We are committed to tailoring the cost of our services according to you or your church’s income/size. Tell us more by filling out an application and get details specific to your situation or church size.

We understand that not everyone has planned for coaching in their budget. Many of the pastors and churches that we serve have found creative ways to cover the cost. This could include: gifts from a wealthy benefactor in the church,  grants from the denomination, love offerings taken up by the church, or delaying the hire of an additional part-time employee for a season. If all these avenues have been exhausted, we do accept scholarship applications for small church pastors (300 or less in weekend attendance).



Fill out the application form below to begin the process.

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