Support Strategic Renewal

Help us empower 6:4 leaders and encourage 6:3 disciples

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Watch Janine’s Story

Our ministry depends heavily on the generous donations of people like you who believe in the great need for renewal, revival, and restoration – and who understand the unique credibility of impact of Strategic Renewal and its ministries. When you give, you become a vital part in renewing the hearts of God’s people. You help to spark revival in congregations and awakening across our nation through transformational events, equipping, and resources. You also help hurting ministers who need the encouragement and resources to “stay in the fight.” It truly is a strategic investment.

Thanks for joining with us in Empowering 6:4 Leaders, Encouraging 6:3 Disciples, and Envisioning a 6:7 Awakening! In this way we are doing our part in the divine pattern:

6:4 + 6:3 = 6:7

  • Strategic Renewal is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization. All gifts designated for a specific project will be allocated for that project and may include an administrative assessment to help offset the costs of fundraising and administering the project. If contributions exceed the project need, or due to unforeseen circumstances where the project cannot be completed, those funds will be allocated towards another project to further the impact and mission of Strategic Renewal.

Strategic Renewal is proudly accredited and certified through both ECFA and Excellence in Giving.