2020 First Quarter Ministry Report

Thank you for your support that has equipped the Church to seek the face of God - in a time where it is needed most.


Joyful in Hope. Patient in Affliction. Faithful in Prayer


Without warning we’ve been thrust into new territory as a nation, as a Church, as families and individuals. Even so, God holds all things together and through all this we’ve seen His grace in unimaginable ways.

Amidst the “isolation”, we’ve been able engage an even broader audience through the use of video, social media, and live digital events. We are thankful for the way that God is using these circumstances to call His people back to dependence on Him.

Your support has made this all possible. We hope this report encourages you with all that God has already done and reassures you that God has so much more to come – in and through this ministry.

Your ongoing support allows the message of prayerful dependance on God to move throughout the Church. If you would like to make a donation to help the ministry of Strategic Renewal remain strong in this season, please click the link below.

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