2023 First Quarter Ministry Impact Report

Thank you for supporting us as seek to pour into the next generation of church leaders in order to build 6:3 Disciples, 6:4 Leaders, and those who will believe, with us, for a 6:7 Awakening

Cover of 2023 Q1 Impact Report

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The Next Generation


Psalm 145:4 states, “One generation shall commend your works to another, and shall declare your mighty acts.” As an older generation, we want to inspire faith and expectation in the hearts of young leaders, declaring to them the clear teachings of scripture with faith-building accounts of what God does in and through a praying church. We also want to be blessed as these young leaders declare their own stories of the mighty hand of God. We are eager to hear
new accounts of God working among His people to ignite transformation and through this new generation to advance the gospel in supernatural impact.

I think of the familiar maxim, “An inheritance is what we leave for the next generation. A legacy is what we invest in the next generation.” You are an essential part of a legacy that truly matters for the gospel’s sake and the glory of Christ. Thank you for your gracious prayers. Your generous support blesses us in countless ways. You are absolutely crucial in all that God has called us to do.

As you enjoy this 2023 first quarter report, we hope it will ignite new expectation, fresh encouragement, and ever-increasing intercession for all that God has called us to do together for the sake of the gospel and for future generations.


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