Transformation Experiences for Individuals & Church Leadership

Transforming Prayer The Praying Leader Transforming Presence
Transforming Prayer

New Groups start September 11th! 

Discover How Everything Changes When You Seek God’s Face. Achieve greater personal fulfillment and effectiveness as you take your prayer life from ordinary to extraordinary. Let us lead you through a coaching experience to discover how everything changes when you learn to seek God’s face.

A guided journey in Scripture-Fed, Spirit-led, Worship-Based Prayer.

  • Do you know your personal spiritual obstacles and how to overcome them?
  • Do long for the best spiritual habits for you as a unique individual?
  • Would you like to be equipped with an individually tailored plan for continued growth?
  • Do you desire to lead others toward greater spiritual impact?

Then this is the coaching for you…

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The Praying Leader

NEW groupS START September 10th or 12th!

It’s the praying leader who experiences the transformation that only God can bring.

  • Do members of your church seem content with the status quo?
  • Do you want to see lasting transformation in the lives of your congregation?
  • Are you feeling personally distracted with lesser priorities?
  • Are you longing to grow a greater spiritual appetite and maturity in your people?
  • Are there obstacles to growth that you don’t know how to overcome?

The Praying Leader Coaching Experience will give you a biblical pathway to spiritual leadership that empowers your people for greater gospel ministry.

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Transforming Presence

New Groups start October 9th!

A Guided Journey in Embracing the New Covenant Relationship.  Everything changed when the New Covenant began. And everything will change for you, when you come to understand all that means for you. This coaching experience will help you reshape your theology of the Third Person of the Trinity, and give you practical ways to experience His power and leading in everyday life.

How the Holy Spirit Changes Everything From The Inside Out

  • Do you see the Holy Spirit through a New Covenant Lens?
  • Are you clear on how He works in and through believers?
  • Do you live in harmony with the Spiritual Disciplines as outlined in Scripture?
  • Would you say you daily walk a Spirit-filled life?

Then this is the coaching for you…

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