An Evening of Inspiration

Join us for a time of encouragement and fellowship!

Future Hope: Investing in the Next Generation of Leaders in the Church

Join our President, Daniel Henderson, and believers from across the area for an evening of fellowship, testimonies, updates, and exciting opportunities for the future. The future of Church leadership is something that Jesus Christ Himself will build, but He will use you and I to do it!

October 2, 2022 | Grace Chapel
8505 S Valley Hwy Englewood, CO 80112

Food, Fellowship and Future Hope

Our time together will feature desserts and appetizers, worship, and powerful presentations from young pastors in The 6:4 Fellowship. We will be sharing a compelling vision of hope in the next generation of leaders with the dream of seeing the fruits of supernatural gospel impact in our communities, nation, and world. We have invited friends from across the Denver area to join us in earnest prayer for the urgent needs around us, trusting God to build His Church for the sake of the Gospel.

You will have an opportunity to learn more about the impact of Strategic Renewal and its ministries as we invite you to pray for and partner with us in these crucial days in our churches and in our nation. We hope to see you soon.

[If you can’t make it, but would still like to support the event, you can click HERE and select 2022 Future Hope Campaign]

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