Your support in these specific areas would be very welcomed and encouraging to me:
We are praising God for:
- A fruitful year of seeing 6:3 disciples being built in local churches through our coaching cohorts and Transforming Prayer weekends.
- The promotion and development of our Renewal Coaching Team.
- Faithful participation each week on our Facebook Live Prayer times.
- Open doors to invest, equip and train next-generation church leaders.
- The publishing of our new resource 21 Days of Prayer for Your Church Leader.
- All of your prayers and support!
We are trusting God for:
MInistry Needs
- The expansion and deepening impact of our Renewal Coaching Team. We are seeking to double the number of churches we are present in and partnering with (from 10 in 2023 to 20 in 2024).
- To fill our cohorts for our Guidepost Coaching opportunities, beginning with the Deeper Life on January 31st.
- To be a conduit of impact to pastors and church transformation by providing quality discipleship content and coaching.
- For wisdom to continue developing intentional and fruitful partnerships with other like-minded discipleship ministries.
Personal Needs
- A miracle to heal Cora and for a cure to be found for MLD.
- For God’s daily strength and hope as we grieve, and to be able to experience Christ’s abundant life in this season.
- For wisdom to discern the next best steps in caring for Cora.
- To reflect Christ well in this trial and have his character more deeply formed in us.
Again, thank you!
p.s. It is the support of people like you that makes it possible for me to continue to devote my full-time hours to this mission. To support the Jeppesen Family you can use the following link, and select my name from the drop-down menu.