6:4 + 6:3 = 6:7

The Ministries of Strategic Renewal

The 6:4 Fellowship

Pastors Committed to Prayer-and-Word-Powered-Ministry

“But we will devote ourselves to prayer and to the ministry of the word.” Acts 6:4

The 6:4 Fellowship exists to catalyze pastors, around the world, to prayer-and-Word-powered-ministry through an urgent call to the hope of a spiritual awakening.We help pastors experience a life-changing rhythm of deeper conviction, rich community, and growing capacity for Spirit-empowered ministry.

We are a pastor-led, biblically-based, international and inter-denominational network of pastors. You might say, ‘we are every pastors second most important network.’

Are you a pastor, or know a pastor, looking for meaningful fellowship and accountability with like-minded pastors? Membership is free!

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sTrategic renewal, International

Empowering 6:4 Leaders. Encouraging 6:3 Disciples.  Envisioning a 6:7 Awakening.
A ministry build on Scripture-fed, Spirit-led, Worship-based prayer.

Strategic Renewal exists to strengthen the local church by empowering leaders to be like those described in Acts 6:4 and partnering with those leaders in encouraging disciples to become like those in Act 6:3. Through the foundation of Scripture-fed, Spirit-led, Worship-based prayer, its core focus is healthy local-church leadership, by the sufficiency of the Holy Spirit, in the pursuit of cultural transformation through the local church.

Its vision is to see this work bring about an awakening like the one described in Acts 6:7. Strategic Renewal finds affinity in, what you might call, a divine pattern:  

6:4 + 6:3 = 6:7

As a 501c3, Strategic Renewal International depends heavily on the generous donations of people like you who believe in the great need for renewal, revival, and restoration. When you give, you become a vital part in renewing the hearts of God’s people. You also help hurting ministers who need the encouragement and resources to “stay in the fight.” It truly is a strategic investment.

See a collection of all Strategic Renewal’s coaching opportunities by clicking HERE.

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Pursuing Spirit-Powered Character and Service.

“Therefore, brothers, pick out from among you seven men of good repute, full of the Spirit and of wisdom, whom we will appoint to this duty.” Acts 6:3

Using these as Guideposts, along with worship-based prayer, Strategic Renewal has built a Discipleship by Design pathway to help local churches build 6:3 Disciples.

The mission, of The 6:3 Discipleship, is to partner with 6:4 pastors to cultivate and multiply praying disciples who are pursuing authentic Christ-like character, developing Christ-centered wisdom, and are committed to Spirit-powered service.

We believe these times require that people of good reputation, filled with the Holy Spirit, and marked by godly wisdom rise up and free our pastors from their many distractions. This is a 6:3 Disciple!

This kind of discipleship and service, supporting a 6:4 pastor, will transform the church. 

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