Monthly Feature: February 2012
In celebration of our first completed year as a fellowship, we’d like to honor all of our members that make the 6:4 Fellowship what it is. To say thank you, we’d like to give you a FREE copy of our our brand new DVD resource, Fulfill Your Ministry: Practical Insights for a Ministry of Spiritual Excellence (Vol. 1). We hope it will be a great source of encouragement and refocus, not only for you, but as something you would share with your pastors and leadership team as well.
These DVD’s are currenting being printed and produced and will be arriving to you through mail very soon! Thanks again for being a part of the 6:4 Fellowship and for making our first year so great! We know that the next year will hold both challenge and blessing for each of us as pastors, but together, and by God’s grace, may this next year be our best yet!
What is Fufill Your Ministry?…
Prayer is not just a solo act…And we believe that prayer leadership should not be either! Which is why we’ve developed this video resource for you and your leadership team as a tool to collectively unite and give fresh perspective to you and your team. We hope it will be a source of renewed passion and collective enrichment as you watch it together. In this DVD, you will hear from over a dozen of The 6:4 Fellowship’s key leaders on the topics of The Pastor’s Personal Prayer Life, The Power of Prayer In Overcoming Discouragement, The Role of Prayer in Preaching and Teaching, and Creating a Leadership Culture of Prayer. We know this will be a great tool for your team, and hope that God will use it to stir your church on to greater works through prayer and the ministry of His Word!