Monthly Feature: March 2011

From the Author: Keeney Dickenson

The solemn assembly is not just another program. It is a biblical process. The local church solemn assembly introduces the congregation to biblical corporate repentance, and initiates the journey of whole-heartedly returning to God.  It is in the solemn assembly that the people of God experience the rhythm of revival in a renewed intimate walk with God. Therefore, if you are looking for a quick-fix-easily-implemented-cookie-cutter-program, you should definitely look elsewhere. However, if you desire to lead your congregation to explore the depths of brokenness and repentance which will enable them to embark on the adventure of pursuing the heart of God, it is our prayer that this manual is a key that helps unlock that door.

Blow the Trumpet in Zion Synopsis:

Biblically and historically, the Father has used the solemn assembly as a vehicle by which He has called His people back to Him. This sourcebook is filled with Biblical instruction and practical guidelines for conducting a solemn assembly in the local church. Blow the Trumpet in Zion was written by a pastor for pastors. It is a roadmap designed to assist the praying pastor in blazing a trail back to the heart of the Father. Pastors throughout the United States have used this resource to guide their local church through the process of biblical repentance, confession, and cleansing. It is arranged in four sections:

  • Section One – Biblical Foundations for the Solemn Assembly
  • Section Two – Spiritual Leadership in the Solemn Assembly
  • Section Three – Corporate Repentance in the Solemn Assembly
  • Section Four – Practical Steps Toward a Local Church Solemn Assembly

Revised in January 2011: Including expanding material-

  • Is There a Place for the Solemn Assembly in the New Testament Church?
  • Why Conduct a Solemn Assembly?
  • Sample Solemn Assembly Service
  • Solemn Assembly Follow-Through: An Atmosphere of Accountability

Please click here for more information about Blow the Trumpet in Zion.



“Very few resources exist on solemn assembly, even less practical material for leadership to guide their church through the process of returning to God. Keeney Dickenson has written an excellent resource to clarify key Biblical teaching on the subject. I highly commend his superb work for anyone seeking solid teaching, leadership tips, and clear direction concerning the key considerations involved.”                        

-JOHN FRANKLIN, John Franklin Ministries

“Keeney Dickenson has written a thorough, biblical, challenging work on an important but little known subject. I encourage you to read it humbly and carefully.”

– RICHARD BLACKABY, Co-Author of Fresh Encounter: God’s Pattern for Spiritual Awakening

“Every pastor and prayer leader knows, the key to success is often succinct and well-researched materials. There are manuals – and then there are manuals! ‘Blow the Trumpet in Zion!’ is a model for manuals. It is by far, the most thorough resource for solemn and sacred assemblies available in the world. Take that commendation from the author of a solemn assembly manual. Keeney Dickenson has pulled together invaluable resources for the prayer leader. This is not a ‘one time’ manual… A must for the praying church and the praying pastor.”

DOUG SMALL, Cry Out America Field Director

"…an excellent and thorough resource, on biblical solemn assembly for the local church today. I pray that Blow the Trumpet in Zion will receive the attention from pastors that God desires, and be a catalyst for revival in churches across North America."

-ELAINE HELMS, Prayer and Spiritual Awakening Coordinator, North American Mission Board, SBC

**Additional Material by Keeney Dickenson:

Prayer Meeting First Aid Kit Synopsis:

The Prayer Meeting First Aid Kit is a sourcebook designed to assist the pastor in guiding the local church toward its God-given identity as a house of prayer.  It calls for pastors to be men of prayer who nurture the house of prayer.  This grows out of a study of the spheres of prayer in the opening chapters of the Acts of the Apostles.  The three central spheres of prayer are: (1) praying pastors, (2) army of intercessors, and (3) the hour of prayer. 

The premise is that the church should either reclaim or rename the weekly prayer meeting.  In too many churches it is the weakly prayer meeting in which prayer is simply a prelude and postlude to a lengthy monotonous prayer list, brief Bible study and a variety of other activities.

The major content of the Prayer Meeting First Aid Kit is more than 350 ready-to-use corporate prayer exercises.  The first three sections of prayer exercises are designed to guide the prayer meeting to return to the historical prayer focuses that empowered the local church prayer meeting: (1) evangelism, (2) revival, and (3) evangelism. It also contains prayer exercises focusing on mutual intercession, intimacy with the Father, worship and unity. The ultimate objective of the Prayer Meeting First Aid Kit is to assist the pastor in cultivating a spirit of prayer in the life of the local church.

(click here for more details)