Monthly Feature: Unceasing Prayer Initiative (Austin, TX)
The Unceasing Prayer Initiative began one day, when an Austin pastor was out prayer walking through his neighborhood. Unexpectedly, God put the idea in his heart to see all the local churches of Austin come together to pray for the city, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. He thought, "How easy it would be to see the city covered in unceasing prayer if one church adopted 1 day of prayer each month!" That moment not only started this pursuit, but started a transformation within the hearts of so many pastors and churches. And it is now transforming a city, for the glory of Christ.
Below is a brief video summary from many of the key leaders of the movement. You may recognize several of them as a handful are some of our key 6:4 pastors and Founding Resource Leaders.
Please visit for more information on the Unceasing Prayer Initiative and their affiliates. Be sure to check out their prayer calendar, and consider how you might be able to accomplish a similar vision in your area.