Prayer Guide: What A Beautiful Name

Live recording:

Note: These are suggested prompts to choose from in the context of worship. Usually only one or two would be utilized, but we have provided a variety of ideas to choose from.

Verse 1:
You were the Word at the beginning
One With God the Lord Most High
Your hidden glory in creation
Now revealed in You our Christ

  • Our Christ, thank you for revealing your glory in…


Chorus 1:
What a beautiful Name it is
What a beautiful Name it is
The Name of Jesus Christ my King
What a beautiful Name it is
Nothing compares to this
What a beautiful Name it is
The Name of Jesus

  • Jesus your Name is beautiful because….
  • I praise You that not even __________ can compare with You.


Verse 2:
You didn’t want heaven without us
So Jesus, You brought heaven down
My sin was great, Your love was greater
What could separate us now

  • I praise you that Your love has been greater than my _______ (ex. – specific sin, rebellion, failure, etc.)
  • Lord, thank you even ________ cannot separate me from your love.


Chorus 2:
What a wonderful Name it is
What a wonderful Name it is
The Name of Jesus Christ my King
What a wonderful Name it is
Nothing compares to this
What a wonderful Name it is
The Name of Jesus
What a wonderful Name it is
The Name of Jesus

  • Jesus your name is more wonderful than ________.


Death could not hold You, the veil tore before You
You silenced the boast of sin and grave
The heavens are roaring the praise of Your glory
For You are raised to life again
You have no rival, You have no equal
Now and forever God You reign
Yours is the Kingdom, Yours is the glory
Yours is the Name, above all names

  • Risen Jesus, the heavens are praising Your glory right now as…
  • I praise you that even ___________ cannot rival your power.
  • Because You are risen, help me fully experience Your life this week when…
  • Because You reign forever, I invite you to reign in my heart now as I surrender my…


Chorus 3:
What a powerful Name it is
What a powerful Name it is
The Name of Jesus Christ my King
What a powerful Name it is
Nothing can stand against
What a powerful Name it is
The Name of Jesus

  • Jesus, your name is so powerful that I know you can…
  • Trusting in the power of your name, today I pray for… (the needs of others).