Quarterly Impact Report

Thank you for supporting us as seek to equip pastors and church leaders in ways that will build up their ministries.

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Strategic Renewal is Making an Impact

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Looking back over these 25 years, we are overwhelmed by the Lord’s goodness. He has brought countless blessings to our ministry through our godly board members, devoted staff, and generous supporters.

Through The 6:4 Fellowship, we are resourcing pastors in over 60 countries. Last year alone, I had the joy of personally training thousands of church planters. Through our 6:3 Discipleship efforts, we are coaching individuals and serving congregations so that the “person in the pew” can support their church leaders. Our resources are being translated and distributed in languages across the globe.

God has done so many amazing things, and we feel we are just getting started. I hope you will join us as we prepare to celebrate “25 years in 2025” and trust the Lord for the next chapter of Christ-honoring, gospel-advancing impact.