Quarterly Impact Report

Thank you for supporting us as seek to equip pastors and church leaders in ways that will build up their ministries.

cover of the impact report that shows two young Russian men holding translated Praying the Psalms books in a Belarus Seminary

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Strategic Renewal is Making an Impact

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The written word and the accessibility of the internet has, time and time again, led to the ability to put the concepts that created our books and coaching cohorts into practice, through prayer summits, and other live events. It is marvelous to see what God is doing through these avenues and how they work together.

This impact report celebrates the power of God’s truth, gospel truth, received and applied truth. You’ll read just a few of the testimonies from people just like you who are helped and inspired toward a deeper and more effective walk with Christ. We are humbled by their words and strengthened to continue to resource God’s people everywhere.

Thank you for allowing us to serve you through these various resources – live, digital, and printed. Please let us know how we can do more to help you as we trust the Lord to grow our hearts. Together, let us advance the work of His church by seeking His face, trusting His hand, and living by His power.