Something Special for Praying Pastors

Something Special for National Pastors’ Prayer Network Pastors Only!

Pastors Retreat Network is providing an exclusive discount on its retreats to members of the National Pastors Prayer Network. Prayer and retreat go hand-in-hand so Pastors Retreat Network created a special discount code for NPPN pastors so they can enjoy a $100 discount on any Pastors Retreat Network retreat scheduled in 2010. To use your code simply go to our website at  Once you’ve selected your retreat, enter the code: NPRN11, and your discount will automatically be applied. Best of all, your spouse is welcome to join you at no additional cost.  Our retreats are five-days, four-nights and include wonderful accommodations, specially prepared meals and amazing grounds. Total cost for this great experience is only $395.

Since 1997 Pastors Retreat Network has served more than 8000 pastors from across the United States and Canada . . . we look forward to serving you too! For additional information feel free to email Jim Watters at