Transforming Presence

How the Holy Spirit Changes Everything - From the Inside Out

We sing songs about Him. We read of His work in the Bible. And most of us know he’s a part of the Trinity…but misunderstandings, confusion, and contention abound. And it’s keeping us from the abundant, satisfying life God has for us.

The solution? We need a more biblical, more New Covenant understanding of the Holy Spirit. Transforming Presence walks you through ten vital practices that will help you have a new experience of the Holy Spirit. You’ll learn how our relationship with the Holy Spirit changed from the Old Testament to the New Testament, what common misconceptions of the Holy Spirit are, and how to think, speak, (and sing) rightly about Him.

Discover the transformational, personal, and joyful relationship that comes from meeting the Holy Spirit on His own terms.


Below you will find links to supplemental resources that will help you to get the most out of the book, and help to develop a new covenant experience of the Holy Spirit in your own life or specific area of ministry.

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