Truths to Help Us Navigate Tragedy
The tragic devastation of war in the nation of Ukraine has dominated the headlines, prompting earnest intercession and filling our minds with agonizing questions. The suffering of millions, either fleeing or staying to fight the Russian aggressors, is heartbreaking to watch. While we pray for this heart-rending situation, we also need a fresh dose of biblical perspective.
We live in a fallen, fragile, and fractured world. Nations are ruled, and sometimes ruined, by corrupt leaders. Nothing in this life is ultimately stable or reliable – not our economy, not the rulers of countries, not even the earth under our feet. In Mark 13:7-8, Jesus describes these times as the “beginning of sorrows” when nations rise against nations, earthquakes abound, and the world is full of famines and troubles. He speaks of the hatred of the world toward Christ-followers and unprecedented family strife. False teaching will proliferate. Jesus assures us, “Do not be troubled; for such things must happen, but the end is not yet…the gospel must first be preached to all the nations” (Mark 13:7 & 10).
Our Determination in the Midst of Disaster
Even back in the Psalms, we see the description of worst-case scenarios when the “mountains are carried into the midst of the sea.” It describes times when “the waters roar” and are “troubled” and the hills are shaken by violence (Psalm 46:2). In light of these disasters inflicting this temporary and troubled earth, how should we respond? What is our recourse? How can we cope?
We can find reassurance and perspective in some key truths in Psalm 46.
God’s Presence is our Ultimate Help and Joy
The Psalm begins with this promise: “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, even though….” How would you finish that thought? No matter what we face and regardless of the frailty of this present world, God’s “very present” help provides a refuge and gives strength to our souls, dispelling our fears in spite of our troubles. For the Christ-follower, this “presence” is experienced in the person and power of the indwelling Holy Spirit. (To better understand and apply this truth, we strongly recommend our resource, Transforming Presence: How the Holy Spirit Changes Everything From The Inside-Out, found HERE.)
No matter what we face and regardless of the frailty of this present world, God’s “very present” help provides a refuge and gives strength to our souls, dispelling our fears in spite of our troubles.
The Psalm further encourages us, “There is a river whose streams shall make glad the city of God, the holy place of the tabernacle of the Most High. God is in the midst of her, she shall not be moved; God shall help her, just at the break of dawn.” This picture of a river infusing the city of God with gladness, security, and provision assures us that His presence will flood the “tabernacle” of our hearts just when we need it – even in a worst-case scenario. Supernatural joy that transcends our circumstances and intellect can stabilize and help us in practical ways, just when we need it.
Supernatural joy that transcends our circumstances and intellect can stabilize and help us in practical ways, just when we need it.
God’s Sovereignty is our Ultimate Assurance
This Lord, who is so present in our troubles and so sufficient for our souls, is all-powerful. The psalmist explains, “The nations raged, the kingdoms were moved; He uttered His voice, the earth melted. Come behold the works of the LORD, who has made desolations in the earth. He makes wars cease to the end of the earth; He breaks the bow and cuts the spear in two; He burns the chariot in the fire.” Whether we understand the purpose behind present disasters and conflicts or not, some things are clear: God’s power melts the earth. He can stop wars and armies. He rules in sovereign power.
There are times when I am not able to subject God’s sovereignty and power to my limited and feeble sense of justice. I do not fathom the purpose behind the catastrophes of the times, but I know the One who controls the times. Choosing to trust Him with a whole heart, in spite of my narrow understanding, brings reassurance and trust as I try to make sense of the trajectory of this unsteady world.
Choosing to trust Him with a whole heart, in spite of my narrow understanding, brings reassurance and trust as I try to make sense of the trajectory of this unsteady world.
God’s Glory is our Ultimate Ambition
We come to the most familiar verse from the Psalm, “Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!” The marginal notes also describe this passage with these synonymous ideas: “Cease striving,” “Let go,” or “Relax.” In our tendency to worry, to manipulate, to seek to control the circumstances of life – we must recognize that Almighty God will ultimately be exalted over and by His creation. A passion for His supreme glory empowers us to experience an abiding peace and rest.
In our tendency to worry, to manipulate, to seek to control the circumstances of life – we must recognize that Almighty God will ultimately be exalted over and by His creation. A passion for His supreme glory empowers us to experience an abiding peace and rest.
God’s Character is our Ultimate Security
One phrase is repeated twice in this Psalm: “The LORD of hosts is with us; The God of Jacob is our refuge” (vv. 7 & 11). Our God is the master over all created agencies and forces. He created, maintains, and rules over creation in great power. He is the “Strong Tower” available to His children when we fail and are powerless. When we are completely inadequate with no other help, the LORD of the armies of heaven and earth is our comfort and confidence. Why? He is WITH US. His presence cannot be lessened or loosened by tragedy. He is our REFUGE. Nothing else in life is sure. Even in the worst-case scenario, He is still, and always will be, the Lord of Hosts.
Admittedly, we may not fully understand the rhyme or reasons behind tragic world events, or personal seasons of suffering, but we must choose to “trust and obey, for there’s no other way to be happy in Jesus but to trust and obey.” Every soul trusts in something in the daily determinations of life. For the Christ-follower, the reliability of God’s truth, the renewal of the Spirit, and the reassurance of His ultimate glory can give us doses of supernatural hope and strength, even in the worst of times.
We may not fully understand the rhyme or reasons behind tragic world events, or personal seasons of suffering, but we must choose to “trust and obey, for there’s no other way to be happy in Jesus but to trust and obey.”
Copyright © 2022 Daniel Henderson. All rights reserved.