A look back at all the ministry and impact that was made possible through your support.

Our 2022 Annual Report tells some of the remarkable stories that your prayers and support have accomplished. Through your partnership, our vision to cultivate the roots of revival and awakening is beginning to take root. We believe the best is yet to come.

You can download a digital copy of our annual report, or scroll down to read some of the highlights of the year below.  If you would like to give, you can do so at the link below. Please ensure that all gifts are made online before midnight on Dec 31st.


Daniel Henderson
Founder and President

These things could not have been accomplished without God working through people like you! Your faithfulness in prayer, in support, and in partnership with us in this important mission is highly regarded and appreciated by our entire staff.

thank you!

The 6:3 Discipleship

Pursuing Spirit-powered Character and Service


Our staff often talks about how the Lord loves to do His new things in the same old way. This past year has been one of rediscovering a pathway to building praying disciples after the dynamic description we see in Acts 6:3. Within the context of a praying church, disciples were forged who exemplified godly character, were full of the Holy Spirit, and were full of wisdom. In the midst of a crisis where only 28% of adult Christians in the U.S. are engaged in a discipleship community, we have a critical opportunity to partner with Jesus to transform the everyday Christian into an agent of renewal. 

In the past year, we have relaunched our ministry to the “person in the pew” by developing a prayer-based approach to discipleship. We have created and dedicated a brand new website at 63discipleship.com to serve as a hub with Christ-centered content and resources, called our Guidepost series, to equip churches and pastors to build 6:3 disciples. Additionally, we have assembled and relaunched a Renewal Coaching Team who are already engaging with churches to lead dynamic prayer-based experiences. Lastly, we have rooted these resources and experiences in a conviction about community so that the saints in the pew can discover their role in the renewal that God wants to bring to their local church. 

We firmly believe that the best way to disciple the nations is for the Church to become a house of prayer for the nations. And we are deeply grateful for your prayers and support that make this vital ministry possible!

“There’s an app for that!”

check out the numbers for the strategic renewal app’s first full year 

We have seen exponential growth on our Strategic Renewal app in 2022. We updated its functionality to include specific modules for prayer, 6:3 Disciples, and 6:4 Pastors. Below are the numbers we have achieved in year and a half since it’s launch.

This year we introduced the Discipleship Daily resource, through which anyone can receive a daily encouraging statement, Scripture, and a prayer prompt on their mobile device when they sign for the Discipleship Daily notification.

  • 2,963 App Downloads
  • 24,714 App Launches
  • 208,039 App Impressions

The 6:4 Fellowship

Pastors Committed to PRayer-and-Word-Powered Ministry


Statistics can be questionable at times. However, we have validated the three greatest needs that pastors identified this year through more than one research group. Here’s what the pastors themselves said they needed: 

71% – Consistency in prayer
67% – Trusted friendship
63% – Rest 

As God has expanded our ministry in The 64 Fellowship over the last twelve months, we seem to be spot on in what we focus on with pastors. Prayer, Fellowship, and Rest are the three things God is allowing us to offer to the pastors of The 6:4 Fellowship. Through our years of coaching, conferences, on-site visits, we have helped pastors with their personal and corporate prayer. Through our coaching cohorts, pastors learn great truths, friendships are formed, and confidants are found. 

This coming year, we have eight Regional Days of Renewal planned and eight Regional Reclaim Luncheon events planned. These meetings will put us on the ground with pastors for much-needed encouragement, training, and fellowship. In addition, we have two couples’ retreats planned in 2023 for pastors who are engaged at a high level with us for a time of rest and refreshment. Our Day of Renewal this past September was highly successful, and gave us great insight for the future events. We look to 2023 as our greatest year of impact to date, based on the work and planning of 2022. 

Brand New Resources In 2022

Paperback book standing on its end

In March, we released the 5th book in the 21 Days of Prayer Series. In this book, Dennis and Billie Henderson offer this book to help give couples an aid to help them get started in the habit of praying together. The daily topics are not a lengthy commentary on the subject. The topics are those faced in marriages on a regular basis. They are merely jumping-off points to give a start for prayer.



The set is now complete! All five volumes of Praying the Psalms became available in 2022.  This set creates the ability to experience Scripture-fed, Sprit-led, Worship-based prayer through every chapter of the book of Psalms.


Children's book - two copies standing on end, on showing the back, and one open

Daniel Henderson wrote a children’s book! Calling all parents, grandparents, great-grandparents, mentors, and teachers! This new resource simplifies the 4/4 pattern of prayer in a way that a child can understand. Not to mention it will give you an opportunity to spend time with the children in your life, and to pray with them, which is already something you want to do!


Paperback book standing on its end

YOU CAN OVERCOME STRONGHOLDS. 21 Days of Prayer to Overcome Strongholds, by Jim Maxim with Daniel Henderson, takes you on a journey of intercessory warfare in which you will learn firsthand the truths that dominate the unseen reality of the supernatural world.

Find out more about all these new books, and new releases coming in 2022, at store.strategicrenewal.com

Learn More

Help Us Multiply This Impact In 2023

The possibilities to multiply our impact through international and digital resourcing are endless. Your vital year end gift will help us continue the work of helping pastors and churches succeed in the coming year, specifically as we bring into focus the next generation of church leaders. If you would like to make a tax deductible year-end donation, you can do so at the link below and have your gift matched up to $64,000.

Please ensure that all gifts are made online before midnight on Dec 31st to ensure your full tax benefits.


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