Ricky Cassford

Ministry Update Video

Thank you for your prayers and support.

Your prayers and support in these specific areas would be very welcomed and encouraging to me:

  • Leading well, both in my family and in our ministry, as it grows.
  • Intentionality as my wife goes back to work, nearly full time, and our home functions on a different rhythm.
  • Diligence in managing internal communications at Strategic Renewal with multiple voices that write, speak, and produce our messaging; that I would lead them consistently to represent us, and more importantly the LORD, well.
  • Continued discernment on who the LORD would utilize to gain further support for my family, and the initiative to connect with them appropriately.

  • To see the thank you video from our Brooklyn Prayer Culture Immersion, click HERE.
  • You can see a digital copy of the Year-End Report if you click HERE.
  • To participate, or learn more about, our end of the year campaign, Championing a Glorious Finish, click HERE.

I pray God’s blessing on you and yours as we press on toward the Goal,

— Ricky Cassford

p.s. I am so thankful for your partnership in this ministry, and want you to know that I am humbled that you would make it possible for me to continue to devote my full-time hours to these ministries. To support the Cassford Family you can use this link:

Support the Cassford Family